So, I just got back from the AC/DC concert. Wow. I haven't picked up their new album yet, but the bloke I went with (Matt) said that it was really good. I own five of their albums already so I'll probably end up with it anyway.
We were in the very last row of the Quicken Loans Arena (meh, I still call it the Gund) on the right hand side of the stage. Matt brought his binoculars along but with the big screens it wasn't really necessary, although it was way cooler to watch Angus play his ass off (literally, he did a striptease in the middle of "The Jack" that ended with him dropping his knickers and mooning the entire audience with - what else - AC/DC print boxers) through the binoculars. There was a train. There was a scissor-lift platform. There was a four-story blow-up Rosie. There were the obligatory cannons and the big-ass bell. And right in the middle of it all, a drunk redneck threw beer on someone at the end of the row in front of us and began throwing punches. He was wearing a t-shirt that said "Designated Asshole." Indeed.
I used some of my Christmas money on the
Korg DS-10 and I'm still teaching myself how to use it. It's a really cool piece of software for the Nintendo DS that allows you to control two emulations of the classic Korg MS-10 analog synthesizer and a drum machine. It's my intent to make an entire track for Metarract: Aero using this unique little tool. That's right, I'm using a video game to make music for another video game. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm putting the "Meta" in "Metarract." As I use it more I'll be sure to post little updates and maybe even a review.
I started work on the title screen music for the game using one of my Roland JV-80's presets. I usually make a point to avoid using presets but I can make an exception in this case. That's because it's a fairly convincing replica of my favorite sound from the Fairlight CMI sample library, which I'll discuss on another day when I have more time. For now I'll just say that a Fairlight CMI Series IIx is my dream synthesizer.
The PK Cards tournament is this Friday at 1:00 PM at Hobbytown USA, located on 8000 Plaza Boulevard, Mentor, Ohio 44060. It's free to enter unless you've entered a PK Cards tournament before, in which case the core deck and two boosters will set you back $30. Plug that address into Mapquest and be there.
...and props to Matt for getting us the tickets! You're the best, man!